The Center for Constitutional Transitions at NYU Law (Constitutional Transitions) is pleased to introduce visiting fellow Gianluca Parolin. Gianluca joins us from the American University of Cairo, where he serves as Assistant Professor of Law. “We are very glad to welcome Gianluca and all of our international fellows,” said Faculty Director Sujit Choudhry. “Their perspective […]
As student researchers this past summer with NYU Law’s new Center for Constitutional Transitions, headed by Cecelia Goetz Professor of Law Sujit Choudhry, Christopher Roberts ’12 and Amos Toh (LL.M. ’12) found themselves weighing in on the internationally scrutinized and highly complex constitutional drafting process unfolding in post-revolutionary Egypt. “I think that Egypt has been particularly, even […]
Constitutional Transitions collects and posts daily news updates from the world of constitutional transitions on its Twitter feed @ConstTrans. Follow us to stay informed with the latest news and analysis on constitutional developments around the world. Staff researchers of Constitutional Transitions will monitor media sources from global and regional publications, and aggregate the most relevant updates on current […]
On 13 September 2012, the Center for Constitutional Transitions at NYU Law (Constitutional Transitions) was proud to welcome Intisar Rabb to lead the inaugural session of the Constitutional Transitions Colloquium. Rabb is Associate Professor of Law and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at NYU. Her presentation, “The Least Religious Branch? Judicial Review after the Arab […]
It is the distinct pleasure of the Center for Constitutional Transitions at NYU Law (Constitutional Transitions) to introduce our fellow, Katy Glenn. Ms. Glenn joined Constitutional Transitions in July. Her primary responsibility is co-teaching the Constitutional Transitions Clinic alongside Faculty Director Sujit Choudhry. “It’s such a privilege to join Constitutional Transitions, particularly at a time when […]
The Center for Constitutional Transitions at NYU Law (Constitutional Transitions) is very pleased to announce its recent partnership with the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA). International IDEA, an intergovernmental organization composed of 27 member states, is a recognized leader in the promotion of sustainable democracy worldwide. This unique two-year project […]
Constitutional Transitions is pleased to announce the launch of the Constitutional Transitions Colloquium series. The series will feature monthly presentations from scholars and experts in constitutional design and constitutional transitions (totaling twelve each year). The colloquium’s objective is to function as both a publicly accessible educational event and as a leading forum for discussing and advancing […]
Constitutional Transitions is pleased to announce the launch of the Constitutional Transitions Clinic. The clinic is the main component of Constitutional Transitions’ educational activities, working to train the next generation of constitutional advisors while simultaneously helping to overcome the missing link in the design of current field missions in societies undergoing constitutional transitions. The Constitutional Transitions […]