Sujit Choudhry, together with Thomas Sedelius of Dalarna University and Julia Kyrychenko of the Centre for Policy and Legal Reform, released their report, “Semi-Presidentialism and Inclusive Governance in Ukraine: Reflections for Constitutional Reform” at an international roundtable on April 20 in Kiev, Ukraine. To read more about the report and to download it (in English and Ukrainian) […]
Sujit Choudhry and Tom Ginsburg have edited Constitution Making, published by Edward Elgar Press.The making of constitutions is both ubiquitous and poorly understood. It is ubiquitous because constitutions are a central feature of the modern nation-state, but do not generally last very long. It is poorly understood in part because of the sheer diversity of environments […]
Constitutional Transitions has launched the Meeting the Challenges of Emerging Constitutional Democracy Working Paper series is a resource for practitioners working in the field in countries undergoing constitutional transition and in new democracies where efforts are being made to consolidate the transition to democracy, and will also be of interest to scholars. The first set of Working Papers in […]
Constitutional Transitions is proud to announce the release of three reports as part of a series of thematic, comparative research reports on issues in constitutional design that have arisen in the wake of the Arab Spring. The first report, Constitutional Courts after the Arab Spring: Appointment mechanisms and relative judicial independence, discusses and analyses four models […]
In July 2013 Constitutional Transitions and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) prepared an opinion outlining strengths and weaknesses of the 2012 Egyptian Constitution. An Arabic language version of the opinion is now before the “Committee of 50,” appointed by Egypt’s interim government to draft a new constitutional text. That opinion […]
In March 2012, Constitutional Transitions held a symposium on the constitutional reformation of the Middle East and North Africa region in the wake of the Arab Spring. The papers presented at the symposium are collected in this special edition of the International Journal of Constitutional Law (I•CON), with an introduction by the Constitutional Transitions Faculty Director […]
Constitutional Transitions, in cooperation with Democracy Reporting International (DRI), is pleased to announce the publication of two Briefing Papers on the importance of constitutional review in democratic transitions, and on international standards for the independence of the judiciary. The papers will be available in both English and Arabic, and are intended primarily for an audience of policy practitioners in the Middle East […]
In June 2013, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and Constitutional Transitions published the Consolidating the Arab Spring Working Paper Series, as a response to the imperative for targeted expertise in support of constitution building in the wake of the Arab Spring. Each paper addresses a specific question of constitutional design. The […]