In June 2013, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and Constitutional Transitions published the Consolidating the Arab Spring Working Paper Series, as a response to the imperative for targeted expertise in support of constitution building in the wake of the Arab Spring. Each paper addresses a specific question of constitutional design. The Working Paper Series reflects recent constitutional developments in the region, particularly those related to Tunisia’s third draft Constitution (22 April 2013):
- "Egyptian Constitutional Reform and the Fight against Corruption" by Zaid Al-Ali & Michael Dafel
- "Semi-Presidentialism as a Form of Government: Lessons for Tunisia" by Sujit Choudhry & Richard Stacey
- "Tunisian Constitutional Reform and Decentralization: Reactions to the Draft Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia" by Jörg Fedtke
- "Tunisian Constitutional Reform and Fundamental Rights: Reactions to the Draft Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia" by Jörg Fedtke
- "The Tunisian Judicial Sector: Analysis and Recommendations" by Tom Ginsburg
- "Preventing and Combatting Corruption: Good Governance and Constitutional Law in Tunisia" by Juanita Olaya & Karen Hussmann
- "Security Forces Reform for Tunisia" by Kent Roach
- "The Legislature under the Egyptian Constitution of 2012" by Asanga Welikala