Sujit Choudhry is the Director of the Center for Constitutional Transitions (Constitutional Transitions). He is an internationally recognized authority on comparative constitutional law and politics, who has spoken in over thirty countries, and combines a wide-ranging research agenda with in-depth field experience as an advisor to constitution building processes, including in Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Myanmar, Nepal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Ukraine and Yemen.

Choudhry has been a constitutional advisor for over 20 years in a broad variety of contexts (including during ceasefires and conditions of political violence). His experience includes: technical advice to multi-party dialogues, facilitating public dialogue sessions with civil society groups and other stakeholders, leading stakeholder consultations, performing detailed advisory work with technical experts; training civil servants and bureaucrats; engaging party leaders and parliamentarians; and drafting technical reports and memoranda in the field.  (Examples of Choudhry's field engagements can be found here).

Choudhry’s research addresses a broad variety of issues in comparative constitutional law and politics, including constitutional design as a tool to manage the transition from violent conflict to peaceful democratic politics; constitutional design in ethnically divided societies; federalism, decentralization and secession; semi-presidentialism; constitutional courts and transitional justice; official language policy; minority and group rights; bills of rights; constitutional design in the context of transitions from authoritarian to democratic rule; constitution building processes; security sector oversight; and basic methodological questions in the study of comparative constitutional law. He has also written extensively on Canadian constitutional law.

Choudhry has published over 100 articles, book chapters, working papers and reports. His books include The Migration of Constitutional Ideas (Cambridge, 2006), Constitutional Design for Divided Societies: Integration or Accommodation? (Oxford, 2008), The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Constitution (Oxford, 2016), Constitution Making (Edward Elgar, 2016), Territory and Power in Constitutional Transitions (Oxford, 2019) and Security Sector Reform in Constitutional Transitions. Choudhry is a member of the International Advisory Council of the Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT), the Editorial Board of the Constitutional Court Review, the Editorial Advisory Board for the Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law, and is an Honorary Member of the Advisory Council of the Indian Constitutional Law Review.

Choudhry holds law degrees from Oxford, Toronto, and Harvard; was a Rhodes Scholar; served as law clerk to Chief Justice Antonio Lamer of the Supreme Court of Canada; and was a faculty member at the University of TorontoNew York University and UC Berkeley.

For Sujit Choudhry's personal website, visit