Supporting Constitution Building on the Front-Lines

Constitutional Transitions ran the Constitutional Transitions Clinic (at the New York University School of Law) that deployed 40 student researchers from 11 countries stationed in the United States, Beirut, Cairo and Tunis to support the International Institute of Democracy and Electoral Assistance’s (International IDEA) Middle East constitution building program, by providing "back office" legal research support to constitutional advisers on the ground as well as researchers in the field. We met field missions’ needs for comprehensive research, dramatically enhancing their effectiveness and efficiency in their role as policy advisors and actors.

Constitutional Transitions Clinic Outputs

The Constitutional Transitions Clinic published six technical reports (in English and Arabic) jointly with International IDEA, and (for three reports) the United Nations Development Programme.  In addition, faculty experts and student interns produced research memos and opinions drawing lessons from global best practices to support constitutional processes, and participated in expert meetings on Egypt, Jordan, Libya, and Tunisia.
